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Ballet Classes for Senior Learners

50+ as an age guide

Join our ever growing Silver Swans community. Whether you’re an experienced dancer, have briefly dabbled, or are a complete novice, we welcome all older learners of any ability. A social class for every shape, size, and gender. This class follows the Royal Academy of Dance (R.A.D) syllabus and is taught by qualified Silver Swans Licensee Miss Emilie Woan.

This wonderful class is often followed up with a stay & chat coffee morning.


Head over to the Facebook page for a deeper insight to RAD Silver Swan lessons. 

FB : Yeovil : Silver Swans Ballet


Eminence Dance Academy have teamed up with The Octagon Academy to produce these classes.

Classes can be PAYG or booked in advance - please see more details below on how to book each class.


Thursday 9:15am - 10:15am

Venue: Westlands Entertainment Venue: Dance Studio

These sessions are booked directly through The Octagon Academy.




This can be done via their website (click the link above), alternatively one of the box office team will happily help either in person or on:

01935 422884 


What to wear: 

Something you feel comfortable in and practical for physical exercises. Soft shoes are needed to articulate the feet correctly, this can be ballet shoes, jazz shoes or a pair of yoga socks. Please do not wear denim or anything that will restrict movement. 

Always bring a bottle of water.


Click here for Royal Academy of Dance dance-wear.


If this is a class you'd like to know more about please get in contact.

Silver Swans: Service
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